Identity Theft

Do not become a victim!!!!!

Identity theft by definition is the fraudulent practice of using another person’s name and personal information in order to obtain a loan or credit.
The reported and indeed unreported incidents of identity theft are on the increase. Despite concerted efforts of individuals and corporations, the rogues perpetrating this crime are increasingly sophisticated in their method of operation. The net effect of such crime is the carnage inflicted on individuals both emotionally and financially.

The purpose of this article is to shed some light on the following:

  • The impact on your credit file.
  • What do you do if you become a victim?
  • How to protect against becoming a victim of identity theft.

The impact on your credit file!
A default, judgment, enquiry, bankruptcy, previous directorship or cross reference may be listed on your credit file, and remain for (5) up to (10) years. The sins committed by the rogue party are inherited by you. Remember, credit providers and credit reporting agencies are not privy to the fraudulent activity. They assume it’s your activity. Such fraud goes undetected until such time as you apply for a loan or credit and a credit report is obtained by a lender on your behalf. Invariably your application will be declined.

What to do if you become a victim!

tick Immediately obtain a copy of your credit report & identify the listed activity which is fraudulent.
tick Report the incident to police and make a statement. Obtain a copy of the police statement and get an EVENTS number from them.
tick Forward all this information to the credit provider and to the credit reporting agency.
tick If the task is daunting or you do not have the time, Joseph Trimarchi & Associates Solicitors are able to assist by handling the whole process for you.

How to protect against becoming a victim of identity theft!

tick Protect your identity
tick Subscribe to an alert service which informs you of activity occurring on your credit file. The main credit reporting agency Veda Advantage offers such subscription.
tick Upon detecting a problem act swiftly, as time is of the essence.


I trust the above information is of assistance. Please note it only serves as a guide, if identify theft has affected you give me a call for a no obligation confidential chat to see if our team can help.

Joseph Trimarchi

Feel free to contact us with regards to improving your Credit History
on (02)98904811 Australia Wide or send us an email at